Pharm Tech EDU would like to recognize and spotlight Pharmacy Technician student Tina R. of Kirbyville Texas. Tina’s dedication highly complimented her commitment to completing the pharmacy curriculum. Tina’s devotion to learn more and do more, certainly paid off and that perseverance will definitely help when seeking career opportunities within the pharmacy industry.
What inspired you to get into the pharmaceutical field?
Tina: I’ve always wanted to do something that deals with healthcare. In the past, I had taken classes that would go towards a RN degree, but because of where I was working at the time (Iraq), I couldn’t do the clinicals, so my degree ended up being in Logistics, but I always wanted to do something to help others.
What type of experience were you anticipating when enrolling into Pharm Tech EDU?
Tina: When I enrolled in the Pharm Tech EDU program I was hoping to get clear, easy to understand modules, but also something that was thorough in its lessons. I knew the end result would be eventual passing of the PTCE.
What is your ultimate goal after becoming nationally certified with the CPhT credentials?
Tina: After becoming certified, my goal is to find a part time job working for a pharmacy to get my feet wet and, after some OJT (on the job training), I’d like to look into online pharmacies to maybe work part time there as well. I’m in my 50s and this certification would help me find that job that I can do well into my 60s.

On behalf of everyone at Pharm Tech EDU, thank you Tina for all your hard work!
Pharm Tech EDU will continue to spotlight those that show dedication to the pharmacy curriculum and to those that devote their time to passing the national exam through PTCB. For more information on the Pharm Tech EDU program, feel free to check us out at or contact us at or call 1-855-316-TECH